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Bacteria (/bækˈtɪəriə/ ( listen); singular: bacterium) constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste,[2] water, and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the digestive tracts of humans, termites and cockroaches.
There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water; in all, there are approximately five nonillion (5×1030) bacteria on Earth,[3] forming a biomass that exceeds that of all plants and animals.[4] Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many steps in nutrient cycles depending on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction. In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, bacteria provide the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methane. Most bacteria have not been characterised, and only about half of the phyla of bacteria have species that can be grown in the laboratory.[5] The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology.
There are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells in the human flora as there are human cells in the body, with large numbers of bacteria on the skin and as gut flora.[6] The vast majority of the bacteria in the body are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, and a few are beneficial. However, a few species of bacteria are pathogenic and cause infectious diseases, including cholera, syphilis, anthrax, leprosy, and bubonic plague. The most common fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections, with tuberculosis alone killing about 2 million people a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa.[7] In developed countries, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and in agriculture, so antibiotic resistance is becoming common. In industry, bacteria are important in sewage treatment and the breakdown of oil spills, the production of cheese and yogurt through fermentation, the recovery of gold, palladium, copper and other metals in the mining sector,[8] as well as in biotechnology, and the manufacture of antibiotics and other chemicals.[9]
Once regarded as plants constituting the class Schizomycetes, bacteria are now classified as prokaryotes. Unlike cells of animals and other eukaryotes, bacterial cells do not contain a nucleus and rarely harbour membrane-bound organelles. Although the term bacteria traditionally included all prokaryotes, the scientific classification changed after the discovery in the 1990s that prokaryotes consist of two very different groups of organisms that evolved independently from an ancient common ancestor. These evolutionary domains are called Bacteria and Archaea.[10]

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Pluralisme Indonesia

Sejarah Pluralisme Indonesia
Saat awal Kemerdekaan di awal  Perubahan dari Organisme ke Pluralisme
Gagasan mendominasi pemikiran para pemimpin bangsa pada awal kemerdekaan Indonesia tahun 1945 sepanjang menyangkut peranan negara dan peranan maysarakat adalah gagasan pluralisme. Lembaga-lembaga negara yang dapat menjadi aparatur demokrasi yang pluralisti belum mungkin dibentuk pada waktu itu maka aturan peralihan UUD 1945 memberikan legitimasi untuk sementara bagi tampilnya organisme dengan memberikan kekuasaan MPR, DPR, DPA kepada presiden dengan bantuan komite nasional selama lembaga-lembaga tersebut belum dapat dibentuk sesuai dengan perintah UUD.
Pada rapat tanggal 16 Oktober 1945, KNPI mengusulkan agar komite tersebut diserahi kekuasaan legislatif dan menetapkan garis-garis besar haluan negara. Karena desakan KNPI itu maka wakil presiden Muh.Hatta yang bertindak atas nama presiden segera mengeluarkan maklumat yang kemudian dikenal dengan maklumat No. X Tahun 1945. dengan keluarnya maklumat itu jelas merupakan perubahan praktek ketatanegaraan tanpa ada perubahan kontitusi (UUD)-nya.
Perubahan selanjutnya, sistem presidentil digantikan oleh sistem parlementer terjadi dengan keluarnya maklumat pemerintah pada tanggal 14 November 1945. Maklumat ini didasari oleh gagasan demokrasi yang pluralistik karena ternyata selain mengubah sistem kabinet juga berisi rencana Pemilu untuk memberikan porsi besar kepada masyarakat melalui wakil-wakilnya dalam menjalankan politik pemerintah.
Sebelum itu ada satu maklumat lagi yang merupakan pencerminan pluralisme-liberal yaitu maklumat wapres tanggal 3 November 1945 berisi pemberian kesempatan kepada rakyat untuk mendirikan partai-partai politik dalam sitem multi-partai. Sebagai akibat dari sistem multi-partai ini maka kurun waktu 4 tahun (1945-1949) partai-partai politik mampu menjatuhkan pemerintah. Tercatat sampai tahun 1947 telah tiga kali perubahan kabinet.
Referensi : Prof.Dr.Moh.Mahfud MD,S.H.,S.U. 2000. Demokrasi dan Konstitusi di Indonesia. Rineka Cipta

Local Genius
Pada intinya Sikap lokal genius itu bisah di artikan sebagai “kearifan lokal” yaitu sikap yang bijak sana dengan memanfaatkan budaya lokal yang telah banyak di gunakan dan bermanfaat untuk banyak orang.

Permasalahan utama bangsa Indonesia bersumber pada kemajemukan masyarakat. Masih banyaknya konflik antar suku, agama, bahkan diantara pemeluk dalam satu agama merupakan bukti nyata bahwa masyarakat Indonesia saat ini belum bisa menerima pluralisme, yakni pandangan yang menghargai kemajemukan dan penghormatan terhadap yang berbeda disertai kesediaan membuka diri terhadap berbagai keyakinan, kerelaan untuk berbagi dan keterbukaan untuk saling belajar. Pemahaman terhadap pluralisme adalah sesuatu yang penting agar masyarakat tidak terkotak-kotak karena perbedaan suku, agama, maupun status social
Realitas Pluralisme Di Indonesia
sejarah bangsa ini berdiri, dari mulai zaman Kutai Kartanegara, Majapahit, Sriwijaya maupun sampai Mataram hingga pada zaman-zaman kemerdekaan dan lahirlah Indonesia. Indonesia tidak terbentuk begitu saja kemudian bukan tanpa sebab kenapa negara ini berdiri. Indonesia terentuk karena semangat kebangsaannya, semangat keberagamannya yang kemudian bercita-cita membentuk satu tatanan hidup yang mampu menciptakan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi setiap pengharapnya. Hingga yang menjadi penegasan adalah bangsa ini terbentuk atas keberagaman, baik ras, suku maupun agama yang memiliki cita-cita luhur untuk ber-Indonesia bersama.
Kemudian yang saat ini menjadi satu keprihatinan adalah generasi penerus bangsa yang semakin tergerus oleh arus globalisasi, yakni hilangnya rasa ke-indonesiaan yang terpengaruh oleh dampak globalisasi. Inilah bentuk penjajahan gaya baru yang tidak lagi penjajahan secara fisik, namun penjajahan secara mindset, bagaimana tidak? Saat ini gaya hidup hedonisme, konsumerisme sudah menjadi bagian dari pengaruh globalisasi. Ketika disadari bersama bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa besar yang terbentuk oleh seni dan budaya yang telah mengkristal dari sebuah perjalanan panjang pencarian apa itu Indonesia sendiri. Ketika generasi penerus bangsa ini tidak memiliki satu kesadaran akan pentingnya seni dan budaya, pasti bangsa ini hanya akan menjadi sejarah yang dahulu pernah memiliki lokalitas-lokalitas yang arif sebagai ruh dalam berbangsa dan bernegara yang telah hilang ditelan waktu.
Bukan permasalahan globalisasi saja yang menjadi permasalahan dewasa ini. Akan tetapi permasalahan pluralitas yang dewasa ini justru menjadi salah satu unsur perpecahan yang seharusnya pluralitas adalah unsur pemersatu dalam membangun bersama negeri ini., karena ketika mampu disadari bersama bahwa bangsa ini terbentuk akan keberagaman. Permasalahan yang timbul dari pluralitas ini adalah kurang adanya rasa saling menghargai, toleransi dan juga rasa membangun bersama ditengah-tengah perbedaan yang ada. Akan tetapi ketika melihat bahwa tujuan hidup bernegara itu adalah sama yakni, rasa membangun cita-cita akan hidup nyaman dan tentram pasti permalahan pluralitas justru akan turut serta membangun bangsa ini menjadi bangsa yang besar dalam menghadapi segala tantangan zaman yang ada, terlebih lagi tantangan semakin tergerusnya eksistensi seni dan budaya di tengah-tengah arus globalisasi.
Dari sudut kacamata pluralisme dan juga seni dan budaya, rasa-rasanya perlu adanya sebuah semangat baru dalam membangun bangsa ini. Membangun bangsa ini mulai dari cara pandang untuk membangun bangsa ini bukan semata-mata bangsa yang hanya kaku dengan tata negara, akan tetapi bangsa yang tetap memiliki keluwesan ruh-ruh kearifan lokal, yakni lokalitas-lokalitas yang beragam dari suku, etnis, bahasa dan budaya yang kemudian mempu mensinergiskan itu semua sehingga eksistensi seni dan budaya di Indoneseia mampu terus ada di tengah-tengah derasnya globalisasi. Terlebih lagi rasa kepeduliaan akan Indonesia yang semakin luntur. Untuk itu dbutuhkan generasi-generasi penerus bangsa yang berbasis kearifan lokal, yang mampu terus mengawal dan menjaga keberadaan seni dan budaya Indonesia yang adi luhung.
Pengertian Pluralitas dan Pluralisme
Istilah Pluralitas bermakna kenyataan atau fakta bahwa terdapat keanekaragaman. Misalnya terdapat keanekaragaman suku bangsa, bahasa, ras, agama, dll.
Istilah ”Pluralisme” berasal dari dua kata, yaitu kata ”plural” yang bermakna harfian jamak/lebih dari satu macam/tidak seragam, dan kata ”isme” yang bermakna harfiah ajaran/keyakinan/gerakan. Jadi Pluralisme dapat dipahami sebagai suatu ajaran atau keyakinan atau gerakan yang menerima keanekaragaman sebagai suatu fakta/realitas. Fakta tersebut tidak akan dibiarkan sebagai faktor yang dapat mengancam persatuan dan kesatuan, melainkan diolah sedemikian rupa menjadi suatu kekuatan yang dapat melahirkan suatu sinergi yang  dasyat.
Pluralitas di Indonesia
Indonesia dalam kenyataannya amat beraneka ragam dalam banyak hal. Semboyan negara kita adalah ”Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.”  Bangsa atau negara Indonesia mengakui fakta keanekaragaman. Keanekaragaman di Indonesia sungguh amat kompleks. Terdapat banyak suku bangsa di Indonesia. Aneka bahasa merupakan kenyataan yang tak dapat ditampik. Agama-agama di Indonesia berkembang dengan maraknya. Upacara-upacara ritual agama dan kebudayaan dapat disaksikan oleh khalayak luas, yang juga dapat dijadikan sebagai upaya untuk menarik para wisatawan baik domestik maupun dari manca negara. 
Problematika di seputar Pluralitas dan Pluralisme
Realita pluralitas di Indonesia dapat perjalanan sejarah bangsa tidak dapat disangkal memang menimbulkan aneka problem yang berkepanjangan. Namun demikian secara kuantitas problem yang ditimbulkannya relatif tidak begitu besar. Bangsa Indonesia terkenal dengan semangat kebersamaan, semangan tenggang rasa, dan toleransi antar umat beragama. Konflik-konflik antar agama, antar etnis memang masih terus-menerus terjadi sampai masa kekinian. Tapi syukurlah pemerintah dengan aparaturnya bertindak dengan tegas terhadap oknum-oknum pelaku kerusuhan yang seringkali menimbulkan korban-korban jiwa dan kerugian material yang tidak sedikit. 
Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan pertemuan-pertemuan antar etnis, antar umat beragama, juga dengan membuat program-progaram yang dapatmenghilangkan perasaan salah paham dan sikap curiga antara sesama anak bangsa. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang bernuansa sosial dan kemanusiaan tentu dapat dijadikan jembatan yang strategis untuk membangun kebersamaan yang otentik, dan yang tidak terkesan dipaksakan oleh pemerintah/penguasa. Biarlah masyarakat plural yang terlibat langsung dari tahap perencanaan sampai dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan.

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Holistik merupakan salah satu konsep yang mendasari tindakan keperawatan yang
meliputi dimensi fisiologis, psikologis, sosiokultural, dan spiritual. Dimensi tersebut merupakan
suatu kesatuan yang utuh, apabila satu dimensi terganggu akan mempengaruhi dimensi
lainnya. Holistik terkait erat dengan kesejahteraan (Wellnes). Untuk mencapai kesejahteraan,
terdapat lima dimensi yang saling mempengaruhi yaitu: fisik, emosional, intelektual, sosial dan
spiritual. Untuk mencapai kesejahteraan tersebut, salah satu aspek yang harus dimiliki individu
adalah kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap stimulus. Teori adaptasi Sister Callista Roy dapat
digunakan. Teori ini menggunakan pendekatan yang dinamis, di mana peran perawat dalam
memberikan asuhan keperawatan dengan memfasilitasi kemampuan klien untuk melakukan
adaptasi dalam menghadapi perubahan kebutuhan dasarnya. Tindakan direncanakan dengan
tujuan mengubah stimulus dan difokuskan pada kemampuan individu dalam beradaptasi
terhadap simulus. Sedangkan evaluasi yang dilakukan dengan melihat kemampuan klien
dalam beradaptasi dan mencegah timbulnya kembali masalah yang pernah dialami.
Kemampuan adaptasi ini ini meliputi seluruh aspek baik bio, psiko maupun sosial (holistik).
Sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, konsep holistik dan adaptasi ini merupakan konsep yang
harus di pahami oleh perawat agar dapat memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas
kepada klien.

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Dr. Suparyanto, M.Kes



Ayu Eni Kurniawati1, Anis satus Syarifah2, Endah Purtiningtyas3
1.program s1 study nursing STIKES pemkab jombang
Study nurses STIKES 2.progam pemkab jombang
3.apotek Seger jombang


The growth of reproductive organs undergoing rapid change and already has the ability to reproduce phenomena but it shows some teenagers do not know about reproductive health. Many young women do not realize that since I first entered puberty, he had started to produce eggs. This study aims to determine the influence of illumination Knowing the changes in knowledge about puberty in adolescents aged 1 2-1 5 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang.

The study design used in this research is to use Pre-experiment with the kind of one group pre-test and post-test design. The population in this study were all adolescents aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang much as 258 people. The sample size used by 52 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Variable consisted of the independent variables, namely education about puberty. and the dependent variable knowledge about puberty adolescents aged 12-15 years. The data was collected using a questionnaire. Further analyzes tested using Wilcoxon statistical test with a = 0.05.

From the obtained results of research conducted, the results prior to the extension contained 5.8% had good knowledge and after counseling to 63.5%. From the test results obtained significant figures Wilcoxon statistics or probability value (0.000) is much lower than the standard 0.05 or significance (p

From the above results is in getting the influence of education on knowledge of adolescents about puberty puberty aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang. Expected results of this study add insight researchers to develop and provide additional data and conceptual contribution of the development of science in health knowledge puberty.

Keywords: education, science, youth, puberty


The growth of reproductive organs undergoing rapid change and already have the reproductive ability but rather the phenomenon shows some teens do not know about reproductive health. Many young women do not Realize that since it first entered puberty, he had begun producing eggs. This study aims to Determine the effect of counseling about puberty to the knowledge of teenagers about puberty at age 1 2-1 5 years at Rice Farms MTsN sub-district and District of Jombang.

The research designs used in this study is use the Pre-experiments with one group pre test and post test design types. The population in this study were all teenagers aged 12-15 years at Rice Farms MTsN Jombang in 258 people. The sample size used was 52 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The variables consisted of the independent variables, namely education about puberty. and the dependent variable is the knowledge of teenagers aged 12-15 years about puberty. The data was collected by using a questionnaire. Then statistically analyzed by Wilcoxon test with a = 0.05.

From the results of research was obtained the result, before counseling to 5.8% was have good knowledge and after the counseling to 63.5%. from the results of the Wilcoxon Statistic obtained the test was significant or the probability score was (0000) roomates much lower than the standard of 0:05 or significant (p roomates is significant, so the hypothesis is accepted.

From the results of study above was obtained that there is influence of counseling to teenagers' knowledge at age 12-15 years at Rice Farms MTsN sub-district and district Jombang. Hopefully the research can add insight of Researchers in developing and donations provide additional data and thinking on development in health science knowledge of puberty.

Key words: Counseling, Knowledge, Teenagers, Puberty

Puberty is a time when a child is experiencing physical changes, psychological, sexual function and maturation. Puberty term used to express the biological changes that include the morphology and physiology that occur rapidly from childhood to adulthood, especially the reproductive capacity of genital alteration juvenile to the adult stage. Growth of reproductive organs (pubic hair, breasts, testicles and penis) undergoing rapid change and already has the ability to reproduce phenomena but it shows some teenagers do not know about reproductive health. Many young women do not realize that since I first entered puberty, he had begun producing cells telur1. The phenomenon that there are many young people who feel worried, fearful in the face of puberty. In order to understand whether or not the normal growth of the sex organs, must know the normal pattern pertumbuhannya2

Lack of knowledge of adolescents about puberty is influenced by age, experience, information that affects young people in receipt of a learning process in this case is receiving information related to puberty. The impact of lack of knowledge of adolescents about puberty may influence adolescent behavior because the behavior based on knowledge of the more lasting than behavior that is not based on knowledge. Teens who have less knowledge causes negative behavior when pubertas3

Environmental influences and vehicle information very freely, greatly affects the lives of at puberty promiscuity that leads to negative behavior and a high curiosity sometimes mejerumuskan teenager to a complicated problem. The impact of the unfavorable environment such as: smoking, sex, drugs, the environment and the behavior of teenagers at first wanted to try and akirnya mejadikan sense to try such as psychological needs and biologis4.

Data Teens Jombang in 2010 at the age of 10-13 years amount to 47,768 people or about 51% of the changes in puberty. Data showed Jombang DHO Adolescent Health Care Coverage in 2010 with the number 6451 thousand teenagers who got counseling on adolescent health is only 1706 thousand approximately 26.4% and the lowest gain among education school (PHO Jombang, 2010). Based on a preliminary study conducted interviews in MTsN Pond Rice Jombang the 10 students on the knowledge of puberty 10 students obtained 7 (70%) of students did not know about puberty, and 3 (30%) of students knew about puberty

Steps that can be taken by teens to improve knowledge about puberty is seeking information from the mass media and electronic and frequently attend seminars about puberty than positive information. While health workers can provide counseling to adolescents with technical discussions and share leafled about puberty, giving insight and understanding to parents about the importance of early sexual education in adolescents that may lead teens to the best things so that the nature and behavior of adolescents can be maintained at masapubertas5

Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher interested in taking the title of research entitled "influence of illumination to changing knowledge on puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years in MTsN Pond District district handsome handsome".

Problem Formulation
Is there any effect of education on knowledge of the changes of puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang

Research Objectives
1. Determine the effect of education on knowledge of adolescents about puberty puberty aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang
2. Identifying the knowledge of adolescents about puberty ages 12 - 15 years before giving information in MTsN Rice Pond District Jombang Jombang
3. Identifying the knowledge of adolescents about puberty ages 12 - 15 years after giving information on MTsN Pond Rice Kecanatan Jombang District jombang
4. Analyzing the effect of counseling on knowledge of adolescents about puberty puberty aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang

Concept Extension
Counseling in general is any planned effort to influence others either individuals, groups, or communities so that they do what is expected by the education. From this definition implied that educational elements: a) the input is a means of education, b) the process (planned effort to influence others), c) output (doing what is expected or behavior). While health education is the application or the application in the field of education in kesehatan5.
Health education is a process to improve the ability of communities to maintain and improve their health. Moreover, to achieve the degree of perfect health, physically, mentally, and socially, then the public should be able to recognize and realize their aspirations, needs, and to change or cope lingkungannya6.

The concept of knowledge
Knowledge is the impression in the minds of men as a result of use of the five senses. Knowledge is also the outcome of a given case, including recall events that never experienced either intentionally or unintentionally, and this happened after the contact or observation of an object tertentu7.

The concept of puberty
Puberty is a natural thing that must be experienced by every normal woman and not have troubled. If it does not happen, then we need gelisah6. Menstruation is a sign that the fertile cycle has begun. Menstruation occurs when the inner lining of the uterine wall and the shed out in the form known as menstruasi7 blood.
Age when a girl began having periods vary greatly. There is a tendency that current child gets mens first time at a younger age. Puberty can come at the age of 12 years, but there is also an 8-year cycle had begun.
The concept of youth
Teenagers are the developmental period during which individuals experience changes from childhood into adulthood, usually between the ages of 13-20 years old. Adolesens term usually indicates the point where reproduction may occur. pubertal hormonal changes cause changes in the appearance of the young people and mental development resulting in the ability to hypnotize and dealing with abstractions 8.

In this study, the authors pre-experimental research design is a research design that is used to find a causal relationship with the involvement of research in the manipulation of the variables bebas9. Type of research is one group pretest-posttest design, a design experiment carried out by pre-test before the intervention and then after being given intervention test10 post.
Population is the research object or objects to be diteliti11. The population is all adolescents aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang 258 people as part sample population to be studied or partial amount of the characteristic possessed by populasi10. In this study sample was mostly teenagers aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang by 52 people.
Menurut12 if population> of 100 then it could take 10-15% or 20-25%. In this study, researchers took a sample of 20% of the population.
So: 20% x 258 = 51.6 = 52
Sampling technique, which is used in this study is the probability sampling method is simple random sampling random sampling manner regardless of the strata is in populasi10 members.
 In a random sampling or random sampling lotrey can use techniques such as the gathering and sweepstakes until the desired number of samples met. Election by taking 20% ​​of male students and 20% female students and female students aged 12-15 years with a lotrey techniques.

A variable is something that is used as a characteristic, trait, or the size of which is owned or acquired by a unit of study on the concept of understanding something tertentu11. Independent Variable (Variable-Free) The independent variable is the variable that the cause of the change or the onset of the dependent variable (tied) 10.

The independent variable in this study is the extension of pubertas.Variabel Dependent (Dependent Variable) The dependent variable is the variable that is affected or be caused by variable bebas10. The dependent variable in this study is the knowledge of adolescents about puberty aged 12-15 years. Data collection is an activity of research for data collection to be used for penelitian11.

The process of data collection is done in the following way: Ask for permission letter from the research STIKES Jombang regency and Principal MTsN Jombang Rice Pond, then Establish approaches and deliver information to potential respondents and respondents were invited to fill out a letter of approval, after which the respondent is given an explanation of the purpose of the researcher, then give an explanation on how the respondents answered the questionnaire, and Distributing the questionnaire and pre-test respondents are welcome to fill it. Then Provide counseling at pubertal Thereafter respondent Distribute post test questionnaires to the respondents. Once the questionnaire is answered those, then do the data processing.
Once the data is gathered, it is done through the stages of data processing Editing, Coding, Scoring, and Tabulating.Untuk know the relationship between the variables, Wilcoxon paired test performed statistical tests to the significant level of 0.05 using SPSS 16 for windows to determine whether there is influence between two variables the independent variables and the dependent variable

In this chapter will be described the results of research conducted at Rice Pond MTsN Jombang Jombang district on May 20, 2012 with 52 respondents.

TABLE. 1 The frequency distribution of respondents by knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years prior to the extension in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang.

No Knowledge Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Good 3 5.8
2 Self 20 38.5
3 Less 29 55.8
Total 52 100
Source: Primary Data 2012

Based on the table above shows the majority (55.8%) knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years before being given counseling is less by 29 respondents

Tables. 2 The frequency distribution of respondents by knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years performed after counseling in MTsN Rice Pond District Jombang Jombang.

No Knowledge Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Good 33 63.5
2 Self 19 36.5
3 Less 0 0
Total 52 100
Source: Primary Data 2012

Based on the table above shows the majority (63.5%) knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years after the extension was granted either by 33 respondents.

Tables. 3 Frequency distribution of respondents by knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years before and after counseling in MTsN Rice Pond District Jombang Jombang.

Knowledge Pre Test Post Test
f% f%
Both 3 5.8 33 63.5
Pretty 20 38.5 19 36.5
Less 29 55.8 0 0
Total 52 100 52 100
Source: Primary Data 2012

Table 3 shows that knowledge about puberty before the extension of the 52 respondents 55.8% had less knowledge and after counseling 63.5% had good knowledge.

Wilcoxon test obtained from ρ = 0.000 <0.05 means that there is influence of illumination on the change of knowledge about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang. From the results of Wilcoxon test diketahuai that results count -5.929 Z> Z table 1.96 (where the price (-) not calculated because of the absolute) and ρ = 0.000 <0 means = "means" that = "that" can = "can" be interpreted = "means" received = "received" rejected = "rejected" = h0 "h0" h1 = "h1" span = "span" a = "a">

Knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years prior to extension
Knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years before the extension is less. This situation is caused by a factor that is the source of information. That the majority of respondents get information resources from the teacher.
Knowledge is a variety of symptoms encountered and acquired through observation of human senses. Knowledge occurs when someone uses the senses or his intellect to recognize certain objects or events that have never seen or felt before. For example, when someone tasting a new dish known, he will gain knowledge about the shape, flavor, and aroma of the dish 13.

Based on the results of the study showed that the majority (71.2%) of respondents get information resources from teachers by 37 respondents
 Menurut15. that if the information is growing very rapidly, the knowledge is growing very fast. Sources of information will sharpen the brain to think that increasing one's knowledge. In other words, the fewer people get the less knowledge.

Knowledge of adolescents less because fewer teens are getting information about puberty they are getting information about puberty only from their teachers so the time or materials that give to adolescents is very short, while the issues of puberty immense that most teenagers still think that puberty is a taboo and rarely discussed the causes they lack knowledge.

Knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years performed after counseling
The majority (63.5%) knowledge of adolescents about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years after the counseling is done well. This is because teens are getting education about puberty from researchers.

Counseling in general is any planned effort to influence others either individuals, groups, or communities so that they do what is expected by the education. From this definition implied that educational elements: a) the input is a means of education, b) the process (planned effort to influence others), c) output (doing what is expected or behavior). While health education is the application or the application in the field of health education (Notoatmodjo, 2007).

Counseling or health education is one of the factors that can affect a person's knowledge, it can be seen from these results yield good knowledge increased to as many as 33 respondents (63.5%) due to extension in which education can increase knowledge of teen. It may also be supported by the way the officers are able to convey the material in a clear and attractive so that it can be followed by respondents with good and of course the media and methods used appropriately so as to help the youth to understand the material as well as show the pictures and provide leaflets on each each respondent. In this case means health education is very important in improving adolescent knowledge as suggested by the above theory.
Effect of counseling to changes in knowledge about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years

According to Table 3 shows that the Knowledge of puberty of 52 respondents before counseling 55.8% have less knowledge and after counseling 63.5% had good knowledge.
Sub Jombang Jombang.
The statement above is in accordance with the concept of Health education is a process to improve the ability of communities to maintain and improve their health. Moreover, to achieve the degree of perfect health, physically, mentally, and socially, then the public should be able to recognize and realize their aspirations, needs, and to change or cope with the environment 14.
Counseling is done in MTsN Rice Pond District Jombang Jombang be said to be successful, it is because the respondent notice counseling or information provided by researchers and support young people who have a great curiosity that investigators easily incorporate the concept of puberty in those who could be proved by many respondents were asked about the response to the problems of puberty. With the extension about puberty respondents know and understand about puberty and can repeat the case was presented by researchers after doing research.

1. Knowledge of puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years prior to the extension in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang Jombang district is less (55.8%).
2. Knowledge of puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years performed after counseling in MTsN Rice Pond District Jombang Jombang was good (63.5%).
3. There is the influence of education on changes in knowledge about puberty in adolescents aged 12-15 years in the Pond Rice MTsN Jombang District Jombang.

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